Pierce County Georgia

Chamber of Commerce


get involved in the CHAMBER

We are confident the Pierce County Chamber delivers results! Get involved and you will surely see a difference. Your membership is best leveraged when you participate and have a presence within the Chamber. We offer a wide variety of ways for you to do so. Opportunities range from advertising and sponsorships, joining or leading a committee, acting as an ambassador, or serving on the board of directors. Every opportunity is designed for Chamber member volunteers who want to give back to the community and gain exposure in the marketplace. As we plan an exciting calendar of networking and business opportunities, we encourage you and your employees to join us. Based upon your interests and schedule, be as active as you like!

executive director


Pierce County Chamber of Commerce

200 SW Central Avenue, Blackshear, GA 31516
t: 912.449.7044
f: 912.449.7045

e: [email protected]

Please visit our Pierce County Chamber of Commerce Sponsors

A number of photographs used throughout this website have been used courtesy of: The Blackshear Times, Casey Jones, Jennifer Carter Johnson, Wayne Morgan Artistry

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