Pierce County Georgia

Chamber of Commerce


business after HOURS

The Date: Set when booking event – typically second Thursday of the month
Time: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Description: The Chamber’s most popular networking event, this non-structured evening occasion provides the perfect opportunity for you to showcase your facility, programs,
products and services while networking face-to-face with business professionals and owners.
Sponsorship fee: No charge! We do ask that you help us offer the benefits of Chamber membership to your associates by recruiting at least one new member. Membership applications and information will be supplied to you. Everyone deserves the opportunity to join the Pierce County Chamber of Commerce!

business after hours BENEFITS

  • Opportunity for sponsor to showcase facility, products, projects & services and to conduct tours
  • Name recognition and event description in the Chamber’s Monthly Newsletter
  • Name recognition and event description advertised in weekly “Chamber Report” in The Blackshear Times
  • Name recognition and event description advertised on various social media platforms
  • Name recognition and event description sent to all Chamber members through e-blasts
  • Event pictures taken and promoted in social media posts
  • Traditional media personnel on hand to take event pictures and publish a news article featuring the event
  • Event registration list including attendee name, phone number, and company information (We restrict the publishing of email addresses.)
  • Nametags, door prize registration slips, and volunteers to work the registration table provided by the Chamber

business after hours sponsor RESPONSIBILITIES

  • Be members of the Pierce County Chamber of Commerce. All BAH sponsors must be current Chamber members in good standing.
  • Provide a clean, well-lit facility that can accommodate the anticipated attendance, ample parking, convenient restrooms, trashcans, and registration tables. Facility entrance/parking area should be conducive to large groups without presenting traffic hazards.
  • Make sure your employees and associates are present. Help promote the event within your circle of influence. We want to provide lots of networking opportunities for you and the guests.
  • Provide light hors d’oeuvres and beverages.
  • Provide Chamber director with logo three weeks prior to the event for use in promotional pieces.
  • Provide at least one door prize to be promoted prior to the event.
  • (Optional) Provide entertainment or other unique promotional attractions to increase attendance.
  • When available, use Chamber members to provide food or any other type of services for this event. The Chamber can provide you a current membership list as a reference.


executive director


Pierce County Chamber of Commerce

200 SW Central Avenue, Blackshear, GA 31516
t: 912.449.7044
f: 912.449.7045

e: [email protected]

Please visit our Pierce County Chamber of Commerce Sponsors

A number of photographs used throughout this website have been used courtesy of: The Blackshear Times, Casey Jones, Jennifer Carter Johnson, Wayne Morgan Artistry

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